The aim is to find out the factors effecting on dressing processes yields in ore property so that the dressing process flowsheet is improved to get the better process yields. 目的是从矿石性质方面找出影响选矿指标的因素,以便改进选矿工艺流程,从而保证选矿生产获得较好技术指标。
An investigation was made of the flotability and process flowsheet of a certain fluorite ore. 对河南某萤石矿的矿石进行了可选性工艺研究。
The process flowsheet of PET unit based on home technology and equipment was introduced. 介绍了采用国产化技术装备的聚酯装置工艺流程。
The experiments revealed that with the experimental defined process flowsheet and technical conditions, ideal production index were obtained. 实践表明,采用试验确定的工艺流程和条件,可获得较为理想的技术指标。
Industrial Practices of Concentration of Germanium in Process Flowsheet of Wet Zinc Smelting 湿法炼锌工艺流程中富集锗的工业实践
Research on Process Flowsheet for Treating Carbon-Slag 炭渣处理工艺流程的探讨及研究
The principle, the characteristics, the process flowsheet and the solution compositions of LO-CAT technology are narrated briefly. The application of LO-CAT technology in Longchang Natural Gas Purification Plant was introduced. 简述了LO-CAT工艺原理、特点、流程及其溶剂组成,介绍了该工艺技术在隆昌天然气净化厂的应用情况。
Reasonable Determination of Flotation Milltailings Index and Reform of the Slurry Process Flowsheet 浮选尾矿指标的合理确定及煤泥水工艺流程的改造
Description is made of several feasible technologies, process flowsheet and main technical parameters for the treatment of APT crystal parent solution. 介绍了我国目前处理仲钨酸铵结晶母液的几种比较合理的工艺技术、生产流程及主要工艺参数,并对各种处理方法的效果进行了分析。
The research achievements, process flowsheet design and production of the bacteria oxidation gold extraction process for an arsenic-containing gold concentrate of flotation are described. The problems in the production are analyzed, suggestions on improvement given, and the future research orientation is pointed out. 介绍了某含砷浮选金精矿细菌氧化提金工艺的试验研究成果、工艺流程设计及生产情况,分析探讨了生产中存在的问题及改进建议,同时指出了今后的研究方向。
This method is directed against shortcomings in the existing process flowsheet for treating carbon-slag at Gejiu Smelter, and worked out as a new process after researching and testing many kinds of processes. 该方法是针对我厂目前处理炭渣的工艺流程所存在的缺点,经过多种试验方法的摸索、实践、研究后而提出的一种新方法。
It opens up a new approach to exploring further process flowsheet for carbon-slag treatment. 该法为进一步探讨炭渣处理的工艺流程开辟了一条新路。
The paper describes the properties and applications of an important chemicals, the dimethyl ether, as well as its production technology by catalytic dehydration of methanol, and its process flowsheet and consumption indexes. 介绍了重要的化工原料二甲醚的性质、用途以及用甲醇催化脱水制二甲醚的生产工艺、工艺流程和消耗定额。
This article describes the job in three parts: basic data, process flowsheet and gas balance table. 本文就其基本数据、工艺概略流程及全厂气体平衡表分别举例说明。
This paper describes the principle, process flowsheet, equipment, techno economic indexes of the PSA ( pressure swing adsorption) oxygen making process as well as its development and current application situation in China. 介绍变压吸附制氧法的原理、工艺流程、设备、技术经济指标,以及在我国的发展和应用现状。
This paper studied systemically sericite processing and surface modification, achieved good concentrate index, recommended reasonable process flowsheet, which will pay part in developing sericite and economic development in Anhui Lujiang county. 本文对绢云母选矿、改性进行了较系统地研究,取得了较好的选矿指标,推荐了合理的工艺流程,对安徽庐江绢云母资源的开发利用和地方经济的发展具有促进作用。
The industrial practices of germanium concentration in process flowsheet of wet zinc smelting are introduced. 介绍了富集锗工艺在湿法炼锌流程中的工业实践。
The paper presents the operation of large scale floatation process flowsheet and its operation practice after floatation agents and equipments being improved and the recoveries of gold and copper being increased. 主要介绍了低品金位矿石大规模生产的浮选生产工艺流程及其改进后浮选药剂条件变化、设备改型、提高金铜回收率的生产实践。
The paper describes the principles and process flowsheet of hydrolytic and electrolytic hydrogen making and hydrogen making by natural gas reformation. 介绍了水电解制氢和天然气重整制氢技术的原理及其工艺流程。
The technological principles, process flowsheet, main parameters, equipment selection, wastes disposal and environment protection are described in this paper. 文中介绍了氧化、着色的工艺原理、生产流程、主要参数、设备选择、三废治理和环保措施等。
A description is given of various methods for the treatment of the tail gas from melamine production and the design scale, process flowsheet and process features of a urea plant with an accessory 30 kt/ a melamine unit. 介绍了三聚氰胺尾气处理的几种方法以及与30kt/a三聚氰胺配套的尿素装置的设计规模、工艺流程及设计特点。
In this article, description is made of the process flowsheet design, main techno-economic index, main equipment selection and plant layout for production of cathode Copper by extraction-electrowinning. 介绍了某工程采用萃取-电积工艺生产阴极铜的工艺流程、主要技术经济指标、主要设备选择及车间配置的设计。
This paper describes the process flowsheet, dehydration methods and its selection and considerations in the system design in Boxi field cluster development. 本文介绍了渤西油田群天然气脱水系统一般流程,天然气脱水方法的选择,以及在系统设计中应注意的几个问题。
Based on principle, technical conditions and process flowsheet etc, this paper introduced briefly on two methods transformation oxidation SO_2 producing sulfuric acid and in contrast with each other. This paper combined with application condition analysing energy consumption and the effects of energy saving. 本文从原理、技术条件、工艺流程等方面简要地介绍了两种不同的SO2氧化技术生产硫酸,对其进行了比较,并结合应用,分析了其能耗情况及节能效果。
The experimental results provide basis for design of Acid Thorex process flowsheet with high decontamination. 为设计高去污酸式进料Thorex流程提供了依据。
Optimization of Process Flowsheet and Equipment of Panzhihua Titanium Concentration Plant 攀枝花选钛厂工艺流程及装备优化
The general features of sintering project phase ⅱ in Baoshan I& S complex are described, including sintering process flowsheet, new techniques and equipments involved, automation system and environmental protection measures, etc. 本文重点介绍了宝钢二期烧结工程的概况,包括工艺流程,所采用的新技术、设备情况及其改进、自动化水平以及环境保护措施等。
The principal, process flowsheet, process condition of two methods ( one step and two step conversion) to produce K2SO4 with phosphogypsum conversion method are introduced. The advantage and character of the process are listed. 介绍磷石膏转化法生产磷酸钾的两种方法(一步转化法和二步转化法)的基本原理、工艺流程、工艺条件和各自的特点,总结该工艺的优点。
The creative point of the new technology lies in its direct modification of the primary embryo of the raw material, simplifying the process flowsheet and being free of the use of ethanol. 新工艺的创新之处是直接从原料胚乳片进行改性,简化了工艺流程,避免了乙醇的使用。
Practice of Technical Innovation of the Process Flowsheet of Huanglong Gold Mine 黄龙金矿工艺流程技术改造生产实践